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All About Dental Health And Root Canal

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What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal treatment is used to heal and save a badly decayed or infected tooth. The nerve and pulp can become irritated, inflamed and infected with deep decay; repeated dental procedures on one tooth; large fillings, a crack or chip in the tooth. It can also occur due to trauma to the face.

The tooth’s nerve and pulp are removed during a root canal treatment, and the inside is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissues surrounding the tooth become infected and an abscess may form.

The nerve of a tooth is not vital to the health and function after the tooth has erupted through the gum line. Its only part is sensory: to transmit a sensation of hot or cold. Therefore, the absence of a nerve does not affect the function of your tooth.

Root canal treatments have a reputation for existence painful. But the process itself is no more painful than the placement of a filling.

Why Does Dental Pulp Need To Be Removed?

When the nerve tissue or pulp is damaged, it breaks down, and bacteria multiply in the pulp chamber. Bacteria and other moldy debris can cause a tooth infection or abscess. An abscess is a pus-filled concise that forms at the tooth’s root end. A spot occurs when the infection spreads beyond the limitations of the tooth’s roots. Root canal infection of a tooth can also cause:

  • Swelling that can spread to other areas of the face, neck, or head
  • Bone loss about the root tip.
  • Drainage problems spread from the root. A hole can be made on the side of the tooth with drainage towards the gum or across the cheek with drainage towards the skin.

What Are The Signs That A Root Canal Is Needed?

If you need a root canal, you may notice these signs:

  • Persistent Tooth Sensitivity, Especially In Hot Or Cold Weather.
  • Sharp Pain When Chewing Or Biting
  • Pimples On The Gums
  • Chipped Or Chipped Teeth
  • Swollen Or Painful Gums
  • Deep Cavities Or Dark Gums

Treatment Of A Root canal

Treatment Of A Root canal (1)


A dentist or endodontist can do a root canal treatment. An endodontist is a dentist who concentrates on the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of illnesses and injuries to the dental pulp or nerve. If your root canal is more complex, your general dentist may suggest seeing an endodontist.

The Procedure Follows These Steps:

  • Your dentist will take an x-ray to see the root canals’ shape and look for signs of infection in any surrounding bone. Then, they use a local anesthetic to numb the area near the tooth. You may not need anesthesia since the nerve is dead, but most dentists will still numb the place to relax you.
  • To keep the part dry and free of saliva throughout treatment, your dentist will place a rubber dam (a sheet of rubber) around the tooth.
  • At the next stage, the access is drill into the tooth. Pulp, bacteria and decayed nerve tissue remain removed since the tooth. Next, the area is clean with a series of root canal files. They are insert into the access hole and run the entire tooth length to scrape and scrub the sides of the root canals. Water or sodium hypochlorite is sprayed on the area to remove the debris during the work.
  • After the tooth is carefully clean, it is sealed. Some dentists like to wait a week earlier to seal the tooth. For example, if there is an infection, your dentist may put medicine in the tooth to cure it. Others may choose to fill the dent the same day it is clean. If the root canal treatment is not performer on the same day, a temporary filling is place in the outer cavity of the tooth to prevent saliva and food from entering between appointments.
  • At the next appointment, a closing paste and a rubbery substance call gutta-percha are placed in the root canal to fill the inside of the tooth. Finally, an obturator is a place to occlude the access hole created at the beginning of treatment.
  • The final step may include further restoration of the tooth. A tooth that wants root canal treatment often has a large filling, extensive decay, or other weaknesses. Because of this, you may need a top, crown and post, or other restoration to protect it, protect it from breakage, and restore it to full function. Your dentist will discuss with you the need for additional dental procedures.

Root Canal Recovery

After a root canal treatment, your mouth is numb for a few hours. Most people can return to work, school, or other activities immediately. However, you may want to delay until the numbness wears off before eating.

In the first few days after a root canal treatment, the tooth may be tender due to tissue swelling, especially if there was pain or infection before the procedure. However, it can usually be thankful with over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve).

Until the root canal procedure is fully complete, try to avoid chewing the tooth with a permanent filling or crown. It helps keep the area clean and prevent a brittle tooth from breaking before it can be fully restore.

Brush, floss, then use an antiseptic mouthwash as you would regularly and visit your dentist regularly.

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